one (1) position shall be filled by the immediate Past President upon election of a new President. If no immediate Past President is a member in good standing of the Association, the member at large receiving the next most votes shall hold this position.
The term of office for all Officers; two (2) Executive Board member-at-large; and the immediate Past President shall commence in even numbered years.
Section 8. Vacancies of Offices and Executive Board. Vacancies in Offices or the Executive Board shall be deemed created by the resignation, death, loss of good standing of membership, removal pursuant to Section 7 of this article, or failure to attend three consecutive Executive Board meetings where the reason therefore is not accepted by the remainder of the Executive Board. When one or more vacancies occur for any of the reasons set forth in this Section, the Executive Board shall declare the position vacant by resolution and the President shall forth- with appoint a member in good standing to fill such vacant positions(s) for the remaining term of such vacant position(s), subject to confirmation by the majority of the Executive Board. When deemed vacated pursuant to this Section, a Past President position shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner as provided by this Section and need not be filled by a Past President.
Upon completion of the term of office for the President, the out-going President shall serve as a member of the Executive Board in the position of Past President and shall convene the Nomination Committee (s) to present a preliminary slate of nominees for each election to the Executive Board, prior to the February General meeting.